This bastard's been caught!
As outlined in today's The Monitor; Mexican police arrested Jose Luis Cantu.

"When asked what he was running from, he said he had strangled Nelly Casas with a wire for cheating on him, Montes said. “I’d do it again, too,” according to Montes’ account of what Cantu told Mexican investigators. "
Don't worry Jose Luis, you'll have a chance to cheat on her when your someone's wife in the slammer.
Aside from the fact that this guy is a BASTARD and I volunteer the tree on my front lawn to hang him, there are a couple of questions that come to mind:
(1) Why did her parents allow a 16 year-old girl to date a 19 year-old man? Isn't there risk of statutory rape? Call me old fashioned, but a 16 year-old child should not be subjected to the desires of a 19 year old male.
(2) If the parents where aware of abuse, why did they not FORCE her to end it? I would of chased him away with my shot gun.
(3) This story is indicative of the abuse that our women are subject to on a daily basis. We really need to rethink our machismo. As a young man, I'd hoped that when I became an adult I'd see the males of my generation and the younger ones treat women better. Sadly, that is not the case. Machismo and shovenism are very much alive.
(4) His family here didn't know where their 19 year-old son was? Please! He was even carrying a gun. Gun's ain't free or easy to come by in Mexico. I hope the authorities go after the family for obstruction. I'm real tired of all this half-way justice. Let's hold everyone that had even the smallest role in this tragedy accountable.
(5) I hope the authorities seek the death penalty for this BASTARD. Strangling with a wire would be appropriate. I'll hold him down.
You are RIGHT, parents should have helped in ending that relationship. Needs to get the same suffering punishment. Let me know Junkbox when you pin him down, want pictures for blog site just like in Mexico.
Just found out they had been dating for 2 1/2 years. That made her 14 at the time. What is wrong with these people? 14 is a baby!
And the cycle continues. Thats to bad, sad part about this is that this is only one instance that we know of.
This is happening all over. We as a whole need to value women more and not treat them as 2nd class citizens. If you read 4 posts down on the girl from Afghanistan, you will see why I've taken this story to heart.
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I deleted my last post because there was a misspelling. I hate misspellings.
Anyhow...fighting machismo with more machismo is your solution?
I can think of a lot of local/state/national situations where people countered machismo with more of the same. The results were never productive.
When I graduated from high school at the age of 17, I dated a 20 year old. Does that make me a child, so marred by my own naivete' that I fell for the quintessential older guy, or does it make him a horrible, horrible person for dating a girl 3 years his junior?
Jose Luis Cantu was an asshole and I think everyone agrees, but the whole notion of this Texas-style justice doesn't seem conducive to solving the problem. On that note, I totally agree with your third point.
You are right Denise, macho B.S. is not the route to take. I guess we have to wait and see what Mexico does. I think if we leave him over there, they will take care of him in prison.
Stop! Don't take these discussions as seriously. I understand each case is different. However a MINOR dating an ADULT is SATUTORY RAPE if they are engaged in SEXUAL intercourse. Now, if Cantu claims Casas "cheated on him". What do you think he was referring to?
Now, Nelly was dating since she was 14, Really 14? As a parent you have to be more involved in your children's lives. You have to know there is abuse in their relationships.
Cantu needs to be punished quickly and harshly. So does his family who knew where he was and assisted him. Guns don't grow on trees in Mexico.
I agree with you, Earn. Also, don't you think he knew he'd probably get off easier if was caught in MX?
Some "family," this guy has, letting him get away like that. I agree that everyone involved in the situation should be punished.
Also, unlike many good liberals (whatever that means these days), I'm for the death penalty when the person is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.
I cant believe u all talked about Nelly that way!! you DIDNT even KNOW HER!!!! i knew her whole family and she was my little sister's best friend.....her parents took care of was her choice to date someone older than her!! i dated a 23 yrs old MAN when i was 17! does that make my parents uncapable of parenting!! NO!!! I wish i could have found this website before....i cant believe u all talked shit like that about this girl's family!! it was that guy that killed her NOT her parents!!!
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