Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The uncle and the pitbull menance...

Children's deaths are particularly disturbing to me. Especially when it involves carelessness and neglect. The death of Hargill's 3-year-old Mariah Puga is particularly tragic. My question to the family, to the uncle Eduardo Davila is:

What is wrong with you?

Why so many dogs? Pitbulls, really? You say to protect the house. What house? That piece-of-crap wood shack? Instead of spending money on those mangy dogs, invest in your family. I plead to all those owners of these types of dogs. Put them down! They are a tragedy waiting to happen. In England they've been banned. Is the life of this little girl and her horrible death worth the questionable benefits of having these animals? I cannot phathom the pain and horror she experienced.

Uncle, Eduardo Davila, you know you just want to make up for your shortcomings by owning these animals. Eduardo Davila, in my opinion, you are an IDIOT! They should put you down, along with your mangy dogs!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Why the heck not...

As seen in this week's NEWSWEEK... Gang! It can't be any worse...

We will never end this cycle of destructive decadence we are locked in with these two conformist parties.

Get out and vote!

The summer wind...

I don't know how many of you have noticed my abscence, much less missed me. I've been pinning away the summer on all sorts of pursuits. With the kids being out of school, I've realized how much my social life depends on theirs. I now live thru their eyes. Their careless demeanour and the glimmer of hope in their eyes. Definetely makes it worth dealing with all the BS, it's for them.

How tragic it is, this, this violence in the Middle East (and the rest of the world). For what? What's wrong with us? I pray for the innocents. They pay the price. The pictures of dead children is what hurts the most!!! Bring them to me instead, I will take care of them!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pass me the PAN please.

Today! Today is the big day. The day in which we see which path our brethen to the south choose for the next six years. There are three major candidates running, two have a real chance of winning; PRD's Lopez Obrador and PAN's Calderon. Aside from all the accusations and mudslinging, each candidate offers a distinctive style.

Lopez Obrador is a Leftist Populist, offering pie-in-the-sky projects and solutions, like creating goverment jobs in infrastructure to solve the unemployment rate. Does this sound like Cultural Revolution to anyone? Anyone remember Pol Pot?

Calderon is a market oriented centrist along the lines of current president Fox. A Calderon win would bring much needed consistency to Mexico.

The last thing Mexico needs is a leftist. Mexico has been there before, it is disaster. Mexico needs to step up to its responsibilities as a country and let it's people find their destiny. A hand-to-mouth system would bankrupt the country for future generations, besides Lopez Obrador's buddies where caught on tape taking kick-backs and he never did anything. So much for caring for your nation.