Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lopez Obrador = Nut!

Is it me or is Mexico's defeated presidential candidate starting to sound like a nut? Parallel goverment? Talk about a sore loser! Photo

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Some more school board bashing!

Most of you know I am no fan of the school district system. It leads to bloated, overpaid bureaucracies that only benefit the fatcat contractor buddies of the school board members.

As a prime example of this; allow me to rant about Mon Mack Rd. in Edinburg, TX. Mon Mack WAS a quaint back road, but a few years ago. At some point someone "cut a deal" and built two schools on Mon Mack, an elementary school on the corner of Sprague and a MS on the corner of Schunior. At first, it was nothing but bliss, now a few years later, it is congestion city. You see the area has expanded, there are new houses as far as the eye can see. My question to the city AND the school board is: What are you doing with the added tax revenue? It's there. These new houses are paying taxes. Why haven't you expanded the street? Why are you housing students in temporary buildings? What are you doing with this money? Why is it taking years to do something? HELLO! Anyone even there? Sigh! Maybe they're waiting for an accident or the TV media to do something. Oh well! Goes right back to my bloated beareucracy comment. Regardless, all these taxpayers deserve, better. Why must we settle for 2nd best?
