Lord No!!!

In today's edition of The Monitor there is a story covering how the current President Bush is encouraging his brother, Florida Governor, Jeb Bush to run for President. Please NO! I guess "W" believes the country is not done being thrown in the tank. A continuation of the war-mongering Bush family would be a global disaster. We must not allow this to continue lest we will never end this destructive cycle we are on. Not only NO, HELL NO!
Is this a BAD dream?
Little by little our liberties and freedoms are being sacrifized while the ruling elite makes millions and receives taxbreaks at the expense of the working class.
The Patriot Act, Leaks, NSA's secretly recording all telephone conversations in this country...
Slowly this country is becoming a police state. We must be wary!
Secretly recording telephone conversations is nothing new in this country. It's been done not only the NSA but CIA and the DEA on drug cartels and traffickers. Quit your bitching and get with the program. If you're not doing anything wrong, you got nothing to worry about. Stop hiding behind the so called liberty shield.
Anonymous said:
If you're not doing anything wrong, you got nothing to worry about.
Who decides what's right and wrong? In a recent press conference, President Bush annointed himself "The Decider," so I guess we have to rely on him to pass any right/wrong judgements. Given his track record, that's a pretty scary thought.
Is opposition to the existing policies of the current administration "wrong"? Is dissent "wrong"? Only The Almighty Decider knows.
Whatever happened to traditional republicans who advocated for privacy and believed in small government?
"Those who would give up essential liberty for Temporary security , deserve neither liberty nor security"
--Ben Franklin
"Secretly recording telephone conversations is nothing new in this country. It's been done not only the NSA but CIA and the DEA on drug cartels and traffickers. Quit your bitching and get with the program. If you're not doing anything wrong, you got nothing to worry about. Stop hiding behind the so called liberty shield."
You are missing the point entirely. It's not the fact that you have something to hide, it is the fact that someone is snooping around your PRIVATE space.
I wonder how you would feel if everyone in this blog came over to your house and started snooping around without your permission. The first thing you would say is "Get Out!" Why? Do you have something to hide?
If you really feel that way then please post your physical address, so that we can all come by and snoop around your house when you are not there. Post the address so that we can all come around when you are asleep and look through your closet. Post the address. Dont be hypocritical. Post your address.
Not so easy huh?
Sorry to be so crass, but sometimes we take for granted our freedoms and dont appreciate it. Remember it's YOUR space, not the government's. This is America. You have a right to defend your liberty and freedom. At the very least protest against anything encroaching on it.
Once again, nothing personal. Just my opinion.
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I used to get them all the time on my blog. You can change the way people leave comments in your preferences.
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Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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